Friday, September 18, 2009

Furious Friday

TGIF Moxlings, sorry for the late post. I spent something like six to eight hours yesterday making compilations for a friend and after running them out, I returned to Todd practically making love to the computer, and there was no way I was ever getting it so I passed out instead.

Today has to either be guns a-blazing, or piecemeal throughout the day. I'm opting for the former.

Wouldn't it be a coup, since my kids are such sound sleepers, if I went in and threw away a bunch of their shit?

But wouldn't be just as rewarding to get back under the covers and watch in pain and horror and swooning, Khloe Kardashian, in all her "like, totally" splendor? I'll toss a coin if I can find one. The problem is it's c-o-l-d.

Okay so this morning I have:


-Started the laundry which was done yesterday.

-Wiped down kitchen.

-Kitchen floor.

Once you've had your Khloe, er, coffee, let's all work on the following:

-Basics bitches! Seriously. It creeps up so fast, get it humming as soon as those toes touch the floor.

-Wipe down three surfaces, be they kitchen counter, dining room table, computer area, whatever. Just do it.

-Collect a bag of trash and/or give-away stuff.

-Sweep down entryway, inside and out.

-Cobweb check.

-Inside windows, at least three.


Anyone who does this in an hour gets a prize. It is so doable. I will be doing this and excavating my kids' room of basically all Reilly's crap, er, stuff, and making everyone is fed, dressed, attitudes at least 75% intact, and pedicures and manicures shining for their art class.

Lessons afterward, unless they leave for the beach too soon. We're humming along, just can't stop.

Today's song: Send Me on My Way by Rusted Root.


  1. Today? Vacuum-downstairs living room, fireplace room, kids rooms, hall. . .kicked some kitchen ASS!! WOOT!

    Clean kitchen, clean floors, clean garage, clean kids, it's been a good week!

    Outside tomorrow?

  2. Dawna-Nothing can stop you, you go! Damn, I'd hate to be a dust ball in your way...

    We cleaned in a frenzy today before heading out to activities. Staying gone is highly effective in maintaining order in the home.

    Came home, made dinner(s), cleaned everything in sight, swept/Swiffed, ate nectarines in an effort to help Todd's plight to prevent food from spoiling despite his penchant for buying 1,000 too many of everything.

    Dusted here and there, made some snide comments to the clutter, and hissed at this Game Cube bullshit my brother gave Quinn. OMG I already fantasize about strangling myself on XBox cords, now the cords' Mormon cousins have arrive en masse. But I will prevail. Victory thy name is CADDY!

    Tomorrow there will be scabies everywhere and I will murder each and every one. In my black underwear, with my new You Tube playlist my kids made.

  3. Hey! I love Rusted Root (and yes, I cleaned).
