Saturday, April 10, 2010

Baby Steps

New Moxling Kasondra has been kicking some serious ass, and has earned top honours here.

But now she has really outdone herself. Yesterday she emailed me these pictures of her cutie son Franklin "helping" clean up his blocks.

If a baby can do it, so can you!

Note his great care and precision:

See? Nothin' to it. Though I suspect you might feel more inspired if I posted pics of Franklin doing dishes, mopping, folding mountains of laundry, and scrubbing toilets. Kasondra, get him going, my weekend Moxlings (by half blood) are particularly tough customers.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Chey, Thanks for posting these! Trust me, he'll be helping with chores as soon as he's able! Trust me, I'll be damned if he leaves my house unable to do basic chores!
