Sunday, May 16, 2010

And When the Cleaning is Done...

Pull a dryer up 300 stairs. Oh, I don't always follow the rules. :)

My only regret was not having a bra on, obviously. But what are friends for?


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  2. After a refreshing two hour sliver of sleep following six hours spent hanging 7,000 paintings 19 ft. off the ground, I am up to pre-clean so that when I return from the big show, I don't become a raging bull about the house, which the fam has kept quite clean while I've been away.

    Today I've nailed: Coffee, all laundry, all dishes, wiped down entire kitchen, including crevices, wiped down washer and dryer, a smudge on the mirror, the top of the refrigerator, dusted both computers, the hard-to-reach-hanging photographs (got a lot of use out of that rag), folded all the "lap" blankets I went berserk and bought last winter. I'm trying to convince folks that they're not charming strewn about. I also swept the back porch, wrote the grocery list, vacuumed out my Jeep, and secretly vacuumed/detailed the vehicle of a guest of ours while everyone was sleeping, as well as folded all their laundry, 'cause I'm pretty nice like that.

    Gotta get moving to the show, but after that, my goals are to:

    -Order new math books. The kids are TEARING through them because Quinn wants to keep up with R, who is a freshman (Quinn's 11), and Reilly wants to keep up with Quinn (she's 10). Obviously I'm encouraging this. :)

    -Hide all candles and put a ban on them, damn!

    -Fold and put away all remaining laundry, especially mine (suck).

    -Sweep/Swiffer all surfaces.

    -Have kids use Dirt Devil (hand held) to do all mats and obvious spots, as Quinn vacuumed yesterday.

    -Wipe blinds in front bathroom.

    -Taker everything off refrigerator and try my had at some feng shui or something, because drawings and coupons do not soothing ambiance make. (Drawings go on the side, in case you think I don't dsiplay their drawings.)

    -Clean.out.refrigerator. Or hopefully die first.

    -Wipe down my room, which I'm hoping will have a fan SOOOOON.

    -Exterior windows.

    -A quick once-over in the bathrooms.


    -Have Rei work her lint magic.

    -Spot dust.

    -Re-do daily schedule on the dry erase board.

    -Clear a space in the mouse hole that is the children's room to accommodate the dollhouse that was purchased for Franklin. (The dollhouse is bigger than our house. Franklin is the size of a jelly bean.)

    -Find the white paint to FINALLY paint all the doors. And if I do that, spend the rest of my day with Chelsea.

    Good luck mamas, I know motivation is hard to come by on the weekends for some of you. Feel free to keep texting. And yes Kasondra, I am still penciling out the schedule. CONGRATS again by the way on New Baby! Now I will really have to drill it in that your house is NOT DIRTY, lol.
